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Guangzhou Metro Two New Lines Trial Operation simultaneously

2016-12-29   【 Big  Middle  Small 】   【 Printing 】   【 Close

 On the Dec 28th, 2016, the phase II of Guangzhou Metro line 6 and phase I of Guangzhou Metro line 7 project started the trial operation, the total length of the trial operation is nearly 40 km. CEC has participated in the design work of these two lines. With the operation of these two lines, the total length of Guangzhou Metro has reached to 308.7 km, ranking the 3rdcity in China.

According to the engineering characteristic of these 2 lines, CEC has introduced the track technology of the high speed railway - the track laying basic survey control net (CP III net) into the metro construction, this technology has significant improved the track laying precision, the smoothness and comfort of the metro.